Google Gadget – Yatta!? – Notice of maintenance

Due to the network maintenance of the Institute,
the service will be stopped as follows:
    Jan. 16th at Japan(GMT+9:00)

Google Gadget – Pinpoint Weather Japan Server Update

Thanks for your joining my affiliate program on the gadget. I got a new machine as the server.

I think that updating information is faster than old machine.
And update the gadget.
. support Korean.
. support Chinese.
Please let me know if you have any trouble.

Google Gadget – Pinpoint Weather Japan, Fix bug and Improve performance

I update this gadget again.
  • More faster.
  • Fix many things.
  • Add Infomation at the end of it.

I checked it with IE 6.0 and Firefox 2.0 on Windows XP SP2.
Thank you for your comments.

[Additional Information]

Problem again !  I fix it at night.And I’ll support IE7.
I fixed it again. And I checked it with IE7 on XP SP2.
I hope it’ll be fine on Vista. It be fine with IE7 on Vista. Thanks Yuki, and Stefan.

Google Gadget – Pinpoint Weather Japan, Trouble Information

I recognized a bug of this gadget on IE.

I’ll fix it until night on today. Sorry for unconvenience.

[Additional Infomation]

I recognized stopping gadget at “loading…” on all environment now.
Another problem happen. The design of referencing site was changed Again !
I’ll follow it asap. But, I don’t know when it’ll be done.

Google Gadget – ピンポイント天気予報 メンテナンス

2007/10/03 9:00 までにサービスを再開する予定です。

The Pinpoint Weather Gadget is in maintenance.
Because the design of referencing site was changed.
I'll restart the service until 9am tomorrow.

2007/10/03 8:00 メンテナンスを完了しました。
※ iGoogle内のキャッシュが更新されるまでしばらく時間がかかることがあります。

[Additional Infomation]
The maintenance was done.
I update all of this gadget.
If you find something is wrong then please comment it.